Mon Apr 05 2021Journal

Python coding tricks

Xavier Bruhiere
intro picture

Work in progress so considere this more like a brain dump than battle-tested knowledge (although the ideas do come from the trenches).


Re-import modules

The issue: Python caches module imports. Therefor reimporting fixed code actually doesn't change anything.

First solution, interpreter agnostic:

import importlib

Ipython shortcut:

# just run, don't import
%run my_file(.py)

# activate autoreload
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

More info at the source (including a few caveats).

Data Types


It basically looks like an immutable data bag.

from enum import auto, unique, Enum

@unique  # validate each field is unique
class Ticker(Enum):
    idx = auto()  # auto seq id
    company = 'google'
    price = 1023

Ticker['company'] ==  # True
Ticker('google').name  # company

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